Thursday, 30 June 2011

Day 17 - Doubling up to Willowmore

Seems like Albert and John planned on jumping today's support station to put in a double shift. This makes the total distance traveled more than 170km since this morning. Their legs are not exactly "fresh" after the last 1500 odd kilometers traveled non-stop so far.

"Riding Teak Place's Black Route took me 2 hours", this is John's favorite training spot. "In this race, a six hour day feels like a break".

Some more bad luck with cellphone reception, but perhaps it may only be the network and not the reception on their side. The password on the GPS tracking site has been revoked for some reason as well, so we have no way of communicating or checking if they made it.

From their optimistic tone over the phone yesterday, it seems like they are really enjoying the trip. Perhaps it is a bit different to what they expected or planned for, but they have overcome the metal barriers and already and just hope that their bikes will last through the Western Cape to a glorious finish on Diemersfontein.

Some good news to report. John and Albert's colleagues in the FNB Home Loans IT team have been making progress collecting money for the Freedom Challenge Scholarship fund with their Coin Drive. This initiative is not just meant to raise money, but also to challenge other departments to join in. All the money collected by FirstRand staff members will be doubled by FirstRand before being handed over to the Freedom Challenge Scholarship Fund. Well done!

 Testing team: Veronica Mboweni & Margaret Thomas Infrastructure team: Shamiema Sallie Desktop Support team: Valentine Okuma Development team: Keaogile Matseliso

Profiles to Willowmore and Rondawel

1 comment:

  1. would appear they stopped at damsedrif by lunchtime and put feet up rather! friday saw an early start and willowmore by lunchtime..will most likely push on to rondawel. from there it's either a very easy day to prince albert or a tough one to die hel!
